Mary Ninah
For many years, I have blamed everyone for my misfortunes including my unhappiness and stagnation in my career. I have been caught up in a rat race… doing same things over and over again and feeling worked up everyday.
In the course of lamenting, a friend referred me to the lead coach at Potensheer. I was so closed up and self guarded and did not know that I needed to get into a class, so that idea hit me hard. I however joined the Potensheer program and little by little, through the powerful processes we were taken through, I opened up. At the end, a whole new me with a clear life purpose emerged. I now do not have time to blame anyone anymore. Instead I have all the time to focus on my God given life purpose.
Thank you Potensheer! You took me as I was and walked my journey with me. I’m now running my own race while keeping the faith.

Eric Njagi
During the past 5 years, I kept asking myself what I was meant to do in this world but got no clear answer. I consistently sort the answer with little success. I have had many business ideas during this period, but implemented none.
As a result of the Potensheer program, I now know what God wants of me and what he has promised me. My intention is to action the plan I have laid down with the help of the Potensheer program and make my dreams come true as I fulfill my life purpose. I would highly encourage anyone that wishes to understand their life purpose to enroll with Potensheer.

Sarah Kago
Before joining Potensheer, I felt lost, unaware of what life had in store for me and didn’t think it had a lot anyway. I did not acknowledge the power I had in my hands to press into my destiny, plus, I only blamed the rest of the world for my problems.
Following the Potensheer program, I am a changed person who has dealt with her past. I have discovered my life purpose and known my character. I’m now better at risk taking, overcoming obstacles, and controlling my actions.
I’m excited and looking forward to being my best especially in carrying out my life purpose.

Kevin Odongo
At the time of joining the Potensheer program, I was in a place in my purpose journey where I needed clarity about the transition process. I knew what I was supposed to do, but there was no clarity about process.
The program helped me define my purpose in a clear way, and also guided me in mapping my business in a great way. The Program has also helped me walk in forgiveness and given me the opportunity to network with people who have greatly impacted my life. I can now confidently say that I’m on the right course with God. I’m already in pursuit of my goals and living my life purpose.
I recommend this Program to anyone who wants to find and walk in their life purpose.

Anne Kaai
I have stumbled in search of direction, submerged into hopelessness and not moved forward. Then I met Potensheer which has guided me to find my True North – My Life Purpose – and this has given me power to push forward.
It is a journey worth taking and if it has worked out for me, it will work out for someone out there feeling lost.
Thank you Potensheer!

Emma Nganga
When I first heard about Potensheer, I thought I surely didn’t belong there because I already knew my life purpose. I nevertheless attended their open session, curious to know what was on offer. As it turned out, though I knew my purpose, I urgently needed their program to clarify certain issues. I promptly joined and my life has not been the same.
I have learnt so much, but two vital benefits stand out. One, I got clarity on critical aspects of my life purpose delivery. Before this class, I had a big mess of many different programs and ideas, which was hindering my progress. With the help of the Potensheer program, I now know exactly what to do and exactly where to start, based on a very practical and workable plan. I have now clearly defined my priorities. Two, courtesy of Potensheer, I’ve been introduced to a mentor in my area of calling. I’m very excited about my journey ahead!
I consider the Potensheer program vital for everyone who desires to know and live a fulfilling life of purpose and greatness.